Rebirth through Compassionate Care: A Tale of Hope and Healing by Dr. Celalettin Peru

Back in 2005, In a private hospital where I worked at the time, a peculiar case came to my attention. It began with the admission of a middle-aged man whose father had suffered from a gastric hemorrhage. The young man brought his father to the outpatient clinic for post-treatment discharge, and it was during this visit that our paths first crossed.

As we discussed his father's medical condition, I couldn't help but notice the discomfort in the young man's demeanor. Sensing something was amiss, I delicately inquired about his father's health, specifically about his genital area. To my surprise, he turned beet red with embarrassment and questioned how I could possibly know about such a personal matter. I assured him that it was a result of my experience and recommended some tests to shed light on the situation.

The test results confirmed my suspicions: the levels of FSH, LH, and Testosterone were alarmingly low. The man exhibited a distinct lack of facial hair, no beard or mustache growth, and his sexual development was woefully inadequate. It was evident that his condition was more complex than it appeared.

I explained to him that this could be indicative of pituitary insufficiency, a condition that required thorough investigation. He later sent me a heartfelt message, revealing how he had silently prayed and struggled with this issue for years. Our encounter had unleashed a torrent of emotions within him, and he found himself shedding tears of joy and gratitude for hours.

Uncharacteristically, I went against my usual advice of not making guarantees, as I usually believe that only Allah knows the unseen. But this time, something within me urged him to propose to the girl he wanted to marry and not to worry about the uncertain prospects of having a child. My words were not driven by my usual caution but by a deep conviction that he needed to move forward.

This unique patient, who had fallen into the hypo-hypo category, became like a son to me and my esteemed teacher, Refik. They even named both of us as a testament to our involvement in his life.

And so, the story of his transformation and redemption began. I would like to share the message we want to convey as a result of this experience. Diagnosing cases of pituitary hypogonadism isn't always straightforward. Many of my diagnoses have come from chance encounters on the street, in a mall, during a trip, or even in a mosque. I firmly believe that my ability to identify and assist these individuals is not merely a coincidence but a divine purpose, a chance to heal and do good.

I haven't hoarded my knowledge; I've shared it openly. My patients, in turn, have been incredibly kind and have referred others in need to me, creating a network of support.

The Prophet Muhammad said, "Whoever initiates a good deed will receive their share of charity for that good until the Resurrection." This aligns with the principle from our holy book, which states that saving one life is like saving all of humanity. It is a fundamental belief that taking a life unjustly is akin to slaughtering all of humanity.

The saying of our ancestors, "Live the man, so that the state may live," reflects the importance of nurturing the population for the well-being of the nation.

I wanted to share more about our hero. His transformation was truly remarkable: his beard and mustache grew in, his genitals developed adequately, and he became more robust. To supplement his life, he started taking depot testosterone every three months, but it was evident that in cases like his, depot testosterone alone was insufficient. HCG needed to be administered at least twice a week. Unfortunately, the availability of this essential medication was a challenge.

Hypo-hypo cases required consistent care, much like a type 1 diabetic's need for insulin. The insulin for these cases was the HCG needle. I felt compelled to share this message with my fellow physicians who were reluctant to consider alternatives to depot testosterone. I believed that the future would reveal the significance of this approach for hypogonadal cases who desired natural conception.

The heart of the matter is the treatment itself and the mistakes that can occur along the way. In cases of hypogonadism, I advocated for the initial use of HCG. At that time, our country relied on HCG of urine origin, but there were misconceptions about its usage. HCG increased testosterone and estradiol levels, which was essential. However, if these levels did not rise adequately, it indicated testosterone resistance. In such cases, additional HCG was the solution.

Furthermore, the dynamics between FSH, LH, testosterone, and estradiol needed to be carefully monitored. It was essential to understand that haphazard treatments could be ineffective without proper analysis. The journey to recovery for these patients required consistent treatment and a well-considered approach.

As I concluded this narrative, I hoped for the end of the restrictive regulations that prevented individuals like our patient from accessing the treatment they so desperately needed. The memories left by the state on the nation should serve as a reminder of the nation's contributions to the state.

In closing, our story is a testament to the transformative power of medical care and the importance of treating individuals with the compassion and dedication they deserve.

Dr. Celalettin Peru: A Beacon of Hope for Azoospermia

Dr. Celalettin Peru has witnessed the challenging journey of couples dealing with azoospermia firsthand. Through his own experiences and dedicated work in the field, he has become a beacon of hope for those facing fertility struggles. With a passion for helping others overcome these obstacles, Dr. Peru is now extending a helping hand to couples dealing with azoospermia.